Monday, 6 December 2010

Synopsis for my horror film idea

Samantha, the daughter of a psycho-analyst, is a normal woman and after finishing university has begun working with her father. As she delves deeper into people's problems she starts having nightmares about it, which gradually gets worse and start wearing away at her mind. Exhausted, she trips at work and hits her head so is sent to hospital. After waking in hospital she falls asleep again and returns to work after a day there.

After a week of restless nights, Samantha can never concentrate and at first feels something strange about the workplace, as if something is 'off'. This feeling gets stronger as the veils between her nightmares and reality thin until she can hardly tell the difference between the two. At first she was scared to go to sleep, but now she's also scared to wake up. She loses track of what is real and what isn't.

Through the madness she befriends a nurse. She seems to be the only real thing and real friend left, after killing her other friends out of fear. She can't find a way out of the situation. After several weeks with this strange nurse as her only friend she finds herself more comfortable with the situation she's in. But after finding herself sitting across a table with the nurse, she notices something strange with the nurse. The nurse seems to start having a conversation between herself and an imaginary person. The lights go out we return to the real world with Samantha's father, who we see watching over his daughter now, as he has done through the film. There is a continuous high pitched 'beep' and it is found that the daughter has been in a coma and died.

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